Original Girl: Sara Súnderlindt


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Here is where you'll find all sorts of fun facts, tid-bits and information on Sara. Everyhing you could possibly learn about Sara is here. We made up most of the information., so this is just for fun.

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1. Sara has a powerful singing voice. Her friends and family say that she can "sing into the heavens and beyond". Like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston (her faves!). Very powerful!

2. Her dream is to record an album and perform on stage.

3. Prefers Windows computers over Macs.

4. Sometimes wears Eyeglasses. (new window will open)

5. Is
Acrophobic. (new window will open)

6. Carries a picture of her Mamma everywhere with her.

7. Has steel blue eyes.

8. Favourite colours are, red and black (especially together).

9. Her longest relationship with a guy (before she and Tobbe started dating) lasted 3 weeks. His name was Johan Olsson.

10. Has Dyslexia. (For those who don't know what Dyslexia is, in simple terms, it means that Sara has trouble reading and writing/spelling. When she reads, the letters look backwards and everything looks jumbled and mixed-up. She also has trouble getting her thoughts organized and what she wants to say. So she has to really work on what she wants to say and think about it for a minute or two. It's all to do with the processing of information in the brain. Click here (new window will open) for more info.)

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11. Can listen to a song once and she'll know all of the words (lyrics) and be able to sing on tune.

12. Played Soccer when she was little. She gave up Soccer soon after.

13. Favourite food is Fläskpannkaka, which is a thick pancake with bacon inside.

14. Sara's Mamma, Helena passed away September 21st, ????. She died a week after Johanna was born.

15. Has 3 younger sisters. Elsa (Il-sah) is 12, Elvira (El-vi-rah) is 6 and Johanna (Yo-hann-ah) is 2 1/2 and 1 identical twin, Isabella (Sara is 12 minutes older than Isabella. There's a big story surrounding Isabella. More about that soon).

16. Lives with her Pappa, Markus and her 3 sisters.

17. Is dating Tobbe Strömdahl.

18. Has taken Vocal lessons , Ballet and Jazz dancing over the years since she was 4.

19. Has taken good care of her younger sisters since their Mamma died.

20. She has lived in the same town since she was born.

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21. Her Mamma's side of the family is Icelandic (the largest part of her Mamma's family), Swedish and Finnish. She also has some relatives who live New York City in the United States.

22. Her Pappa's side of the family is Swedish as far back on every side as possible.

23. Has had trouble in school with reading and writing.

24. Her Dyslexia wasn't diagnosed until she was 17.

25. She was named (first name) after her Mamma's best friend.

26. Keeps a diary.

27. Writing in her diary helps her to practice her writing and to get her thoughts organized.

28. Wouldn't mind singing in a music group or band, but solo is her first choice.

29. Watches the Swedish Soap Opera, 'Juni'*.


More fun facts!

This is a fansite for the character of 'Sara' from the Swedish film, 'Eva & Adam: Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. This website is made up mostly of stuff that we 'made up' ourselves. We are not affiliated with anyone from the film. We do not own the the character of 'Sara'. This website is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution.