Original Girl: Sara Súnderlindt


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Any information in white (text only) was gathered and taken from 'Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. All other info was created/made up by us (or submissions). We do not own the character of 'Sara', we are just fans.

If you have anything that you'd like to see added to Sara's bio, either based on the film or of your creation, feel free to email us. We will credit you for anything you submit.


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Yearbook picture taken in May at 16 years of age. Her birthday was March 18th, so she had only been 16 for 2 and half months.

Birthname: Sara Miltred Breta Marksdotter Súnderlindt

Birthdate: March 18th, ????

Birthplace:  Liljeholmen, Sweden (It's just directly outside of Stockholm)

Hometown: Liljholmen, Sweden

Age: 17 (Like some soap characters or the characters on the Simpsons, she's forever 17).

Email: saraluvstobbe@sweden.se (This email is just for fun, fictional purposes. It's not real and won't work. Fictionally, she'd want to share it.)

Family: Pappa; Markus (Cat Veterinarian) Mamma;

Helena Freja Anneli Ahlstad-Súnderlindt (deseased, Bridal Model), Sisters; Isabella (17,  identical twin),  Elvira (6),  Elsa (12) and Johanna (2 1/2)

Favourite Music: Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Elektronisk*, Foreigner. She used to love heavy metal music, but she's sorta gone off that....just a bit.

Favourite TV Shows: 'Fult Hus' ('Full  House') and 'Juni'*

Marital Status: In a relationship/boyfriend, 'Tobbe Strömdahl' .

Hobbies/Interests: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Music. Her dream is to record an album and perform on stage.

Person She Most Admires: Her Mamma, Helena

Best Friends: Her Mamma, Helena; Judit Dahlberg (classmate and next-door neighbour)

This is a fansite for the character of 'Sara' from the Swedish film, 'Eva & Adam: Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. This website is made up mostly of stuff that we 'made up' ourselves. We are not affiliated with anyone from the film. We do not own the the character of 'Sara'. This website is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution.