Original Girl: Sara Súnderlindt


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If you look on the right, you'll find a picture of Sara's new house. She lives in Liljholmen, Sweden with her Pappa, Markus (a Cat Veterinarian) and sisters, Elsa (12); Elvira (6) and Johanna (2 1/2).  Isabella (her identical twin) visits often. Sara has 2 cats who live there as well. Elvira's hamster lives there too.
Also on the property there's a medium sized 'Musik Skjul'/'Music Shed' (as her Pappa calls it) that he'd had built. Big enough for Sara to sing to her hearts content. There's a microphone and some amps in there as well as a few chairs and a small table. He had it painted black for one of Sara's favourite colours.

The New House!

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This is a fansite for the character of 'Sara' from the Swedish film, 'Eva & Adam: Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. This website is made up mostly of stuff that we 'made up' ourselves. We are not affiliated with anyone from the film. We do not own the the character of 'Sara'. This website is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution.