er mother,
wanted give her Swedish names to honour her Swedish heritage.
She died of something unknown, just 2 weeks after Johanna was born at the age of....well, we're never gonna
tell. ;)
Helena had been a beautiful Bridal model in her day. She had always been beautiful. She was quite
youthful looking as well. She had 3 beautiful daughters (Sara, 17; Elsa, 12; Elvira, 6 and Johanna, 2/12) and a loving husband,
Markus (a Veterinarian). Some people commented to her, how she didn't look old enough to have a 17 year old daughter. She'd
always smile whenever someone said that. She was a devoted mother and wife. She cared deeply for her family and only wanted
the best for them. She was especially close to her eldest daughter, Sara. They were the best of friends. Sara
could tell Helena anything and she shared things with Helena, that she'd never shared
with anyone, not even her closest friends.
She and her husband, kept a heartbreaking secret, that hurt them deeply, but they never let their daughters,
particularly, Sara know of the secret and the pain it caused them. Despite all of that, Helena kept a bright outlook for the
future and never gave up on anything.
Helena's passion and zest for life, made every day an adventure, for her and everyone around her.
The last few weeks of her pregnancy was quite difficult and she'd been ordered by her doctor to strict bed rest. It had been
hard and quite painful as anyone could see. She never gave up, though. Her labor was long and difficult, but she came through
and so did Johanna of course! Then one day (2 weeks after Johanna was born), in the early hours of September 21st, (year not
mentioned, to keep the continuity flowing. This did happen after 2001, when the film was released) Helena peacefully
passed on to her new "life" into Heaven. Her life was full, her heart had enough room to love the world and she'll always
be remembered as a devoted, kind, fun, zesty, mother, wife and friend.
Helena Freja Anneli Ahlstad-Súnderlindt