Original Girl: Sara Súnderlindt




Click on the thumbnails of each item to view the larger or somewhat larger pic. The pics of jackets, sweaters (minus the sweater from the film), it's just the jackets and sweaters that she has, none of the other clothing in the pics.

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No Thumbnails, just pics.

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Now that Sara is pregnant, she has a whole new wardobe! Take a look at the various pieces of clothing that she has now. Click on the thumbnails to view the larger picture.

This is a fansite for the character of 'Sara' from the Swedish film, 'Eva & Adam: Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. This website is made up mostly of stuff that we 'made up' ourselves. We are not affiliated with anyone from the film. We do not own the the character of 'Sara'. This website is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution.