Original Girl: Sara Súnderlindt


To Tobbe Love Sara

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Dear Tobbe,

Thank You so much for the love letter that you wrote/typed for me. I will treasure it and keep it forever.

I decided that I would like to type you a letter as well. A great way to share my feelings with you. I tried really hard to do this by myself as a lot of this is between you and me. So here goes. This may be long, since I have a lot to say.

Every day I think about you and how lucky I am to have someone as special as you in my life. You've always been there for me whenever I needed you. I remember that day in the park when I was feeling really, really sad about my Mamma. I know now that I wasn't as "OK" as I'd thought. I was sitting on a bench and I was crying. You walked over to me and asked me if everything was all right. I told you how I was feeling. You could have left right then (most guys would have), but you didn't. You stood there, looking at me. Then you asked me if there was anything that you could do for me. I wanted you to sit with me and you did just that. You held my hands too and never left my side. I will never forget that day and all that you did for me. I'm crying right now, just thinking about that.

In the past 5 months, we have have grown as a couple, as people. We think about our futures together---past 2 weeks. We're always there for each other. I know that I can count on your support and for you to be there for me whenever I need it. You make me feel special; like I can do anything. I never feel stupid when I'm around you. You accept me for who I am and never judge me. You are easy to talk to. I feel like I can tell you anything and that you'll be there to listen. You are my Knight in shining armour. Every-time I'm with you, I feel safe, especially in your arms. You make me laugh and you lift my spirits up. You've become the kind of guy I can be proud to say is my boyfriend. You're my soul-mate, you're in my dreams, my heart, my soul, my mind and my entire being. You're warm, sensitive to my feelings (who says you can't change a man, haha!). You make me feel good. I'm happy when I'm with you. The "Winter Formal" at your house, was beyond anything I could have imagined. I couldn't have asked for a better night. It was a time I'll never forget! You're family was great too! As I sit here typing, I think of your warm smile, your charming smile, the smile that makes me melt. Your devotion to me, knows no bounds. Your love, is something that I will keep with me always. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life. There I go crying again.....

I love you, Tobbe. You're my "Great Guy", my "Sweet Guy" and the best guy I'll ever know. No matter where in life, I'll always love you. Forever til the end of time.

Yours in heart forever,


This is a fansite for the character of 'Sara' from the Swedish film, 'Eva & Adam: Four Birthday's and a Fiasco'. This website is made up mostly of stuff that we 'made up' ourselves. We are not affiliated with anyone from the film. We do not own the the character of 'Sara'. This website is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution.